The first quarter of 2024 got the year off to a strong start with the S&P 500 (in CAD) and S&P/TSX Composite gaining 13.34% and 6.62%, respectively.Read More
The third quarter was a quieter one for central bankers, as only one rate hiked was announced in each Canada and the US. Inflation numbers did not see much movement, and public investors responded by selling assets for fear of more hikes to come.Read More
The second quarter offered positive but mixed results for equity investors. Strong gains in big tech facilitated a welcome rebound for investors who suffered the biggest declines on their growth portfolios in 2022.Read More
The big news story this quarter was the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. In a nutshell, the decision makers of this mid-sized US bank made a bad judgement call and invested the majority of the banks reserve assets into long term bonds that lost value as interest rates rose.Read More
The fourth quarter brought some relief to investors as most asset classes experienced strong rallies. On the equity front, major North American indexes were up roughly 5-7% while the MSCI World index rallied 9.4%.Read More
The month of July, and some of August, offered a brief reprieve from the Bearish sentiment that has dominated public markets since the beginning of the year.Read More
Public markets continued to trend steeply downward in Q2, as hawkish central bank policy and higher interest rates sent investors running for safety.Read More
Our last commentary touched on the dramatic drop in global markets that occurred in January, as investors began to digest the removal of monetary stimulus from the system by central banks.Read More
After a strong month of October, volatility roared back into equity markets in November and December. The S&P 500 delivered 9.4% in the 4th Quarter while the TSX delivered 6.91%.Read More
After taking a breather in the middle of July, North American stock markets continued their climb through the summer before ultimately dropping off in the Month of September for a negative finish to the quarter.Read More
Summer is here, and it couldn’t have come soon enough! After what was initially perceived by many as an underwhelming vaccine rollout, Canada has surged into the lead globally with regards to vaccinating its population against COVID19, and with that much of Canada finally entered their long-awaited re-opening phases! Hooray!Read More
Global stock markets got off to a good start in 2021 with most markets rising quickly for the first 6 weeks of the year. What followed was a sell-off lasting nearly 3 weeks as markets re-treated before stabilizing and recovering later in March.Read More
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