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Live Long and Prosper

Longevity is hot. Money is pouring into the age-old quest for the fountain of youth.

Canada in Space: To the Moon and Beyond

Fifty-five years later Canadian astronauts are training to fly to the Moon as part of the Lunar Gateway project, a space station that will support crewed trips to the Moon...

Electric Vehicles Hit Some Bumps in The Road

Writing about electric vehicles (EVs) is a bit complicated these days as news about the sector seems to break weekly.

Finding Opportunities in Building a More Sustainable Food Chain

Building a sustainable economy is incredibly complex. Countless industries and companies are entangled with the problem of a warming planet.

Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Reforms: For 2024, Expect to Pay More

The Canada Pension Plan has been in the spotlight as the Alberta government proposes creating its own retirement plan.

Estate Planning: Your Digital Assets May Have More Value Than You Think

Even if you’re not a significant technology user, your digital footprint may be larger than you think.